Augment Your Teams with Real-Time AI.

Assist your inside sales, teleprospecting, customer service and customer care teams, and augment their interpersonal qualities with conversational intelligence, to foster outstanding customer experience.

Meet our clients, in France and abroad:

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Improve your performance with
conversational intelligence

Your customer conversations matter. To succeed, your teams must deploy their interpersonal qualities but also master a vast amount of information on your solutions, your products, your market, your processes... This is where conversational intelligence comes in to make the difference!

Real-time support

CogNeed's information popups are displayed in real time and offer, as the conversation progresses, the most reliable information, the best formulations and answers to questions or appropriate documentation regarding customer's context, without any waste of time or documentary research.

Switch to real-time
conversational assistance.


Reduced ticket processing time


Reduced onboarding time
for new recruits


Improved lead conversion rate

Why Cogneed ?

Find out how CogNeed AI™ accelerates the upskilling
and performance of our clients' teams

Improve the credibility
of your teams

Help your teams to master your market and your solutions in order to reinforce their assertiveness and their credibility: features, processes, objections handling, value proposal, promotions…

Measure what works and
spread it immediately

Improve your messages with each iteration. A/B test your questions, your formulations, your messages and optimise your scenarios.

Improve the
customer experience

Teach your teams to listen, rephrase and ask the right questions at the right time. Increase their ability to respond to customers immediately, without keeping them on hold.

Accelerate the onboarding
of new operators

Reduce time spent in training and get to practice faster. Give them a safety net to self-educate and gain knowledge with every call.

Refocus your training on
what matters

Focus your training efforts on soft skills, rather than knowledge acquisition. Help your teams to gradually and effortlessly memorize the technical information of your offers, products or solutions.

Lighten the workload
of your managers

Stop spending your time re-listening to calls from your teams. Offer your agents an alternative to soliciting their managers, coaches or colleagues and refocus your management efforts on what matters most.

Monitor the topics

Follow in real time the themes of your teams' conversations and their evolution over time. Check the actual adoption of your key messages by your teams.

Améliorez la crédibilité de vos équipes

Aidez vos équipes à maîtriser votre marché et vos solutions afin de renforcer leur assertivité et leur crédibilité: caractéristiques, processus, objections, différenciation, promotions

Content monitoring
Mesurez ce qui fonctionne et propagez-le immédiatement

Améliorez vos messages à chaque itération. A/B testez vos questions, vos formulations, vos messages et optimisez vos scénarios.

Customer experience
l’expérience client

Apprenez à vos équipes à écouter,
à reformuler et à poser les bonnes questions au bon moment. Augmentez leur capacité à répondre immédiatement aux clients, sans les mettre en attente.

Accélérez l’onboarding des nouveaux opérateurs

Réduisez le temps passé en formation et passez plus rapidement à la pratique. Offrez-leur un filet de sécurité pour qu’ils se forment en autonomie et qu’ils acquièrent des connaissances à chaque appel.

Recentrez vos formations sur ce qui compte

Concentrez vos efforts de formation sur les soft skills, plutôt que sur l’acquisition de connaissances. Aidez vos équipes à mémoriser progressivement et sans effort les informations techniques de vos offres, produits ou solutions.

zen icon
Allégez le travail de
vos managers

Ne passez plus votre temps à ré-écouter les appels de vos équipes. Offrez à vos agents une alternative à la sollicitation de leurs managers, coachs ou collègues et recentrez vos efforts de management sur ce qui compte le plus.

time save
Libérez du temps

Suivez en temps-réel les thèmes des conversations de vos équipes et leur évolution au fil du temps. Vérifiez l’adoption réelle de vos messages clés par vos équipes.

Available integrations

Latest News

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CogNeed at Webhelp Enterprise's Future of Sales Congress

Report & feedbacks from Webhelp Enterprise's Future of Sales Congress where we showcased CogNeed AI™.

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July 3, 2023

2023 mapping of startups oriented towards industry

CogNeed appears in the 2023 mapping of startups serving the Industry produced by France Digitale, ArcelorMittal France and Jolt Capital.

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June 20, 2023

Viva Technology 2023: an AI-centered edition

What a Viva Technology 2023 edition for CogNeed! The opportunity to share our experience and vision with you.

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May 12, 2023

CogNeed AI™: what impact on skills development?

Testimony of CogNeed in the book "AI at the heart of the company - An ally for your HR strategy" by Emmanuelle BLONS

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